June 24, 2010

Smile: Over and out

I have gone so old that these days when I sit down to write something, all I think of is me!

See, another self appraisal!

This blog and its very purpose of keeping the smile remains abused so long as I do this.

Life and its rigors are going to change me into a more self oriented person rather than having me think and care about putting smiles in others face.

Yes. True.

As a 21 year old, I had resorted to blogging and at 26 I am probably too old for rambling in blog.

I see it now as a waste of server space!

So, smile will also be added to my list of exits such as facebook, twitter et el.

See you all when I see you!


March 26, 2010

Re-commencing !

Hello world! Howdy?
Its been long since I was here! Not only because, I am busy, priorities changed and all such non-senses., but because of the fact that I get too bored to be here, alone. Having said that, not being here gives me absolutely nothing to do apart from commenting on a couple of active friends's status messages in Facebook! So I decided, WTH, to kill sometime of ours(its mostly mine.,But if you are reading this, you deserve to be mentioned) by writing again!

"I commence "Smile"open. Enjoy yourselves!!!"
So lets make it official folks! The magnetic smile is back live! Just like Lalit Modi commences the IPL open, we also announce the smile open for the global fraternity. I am sure you would thoroughly enjoy this riveting, out-of-the-world, fantasy experience again!

No, I don't ask a garland of currencies just as Behan Maya loves these days! We are a non-profitable entity and are very proud of that fact. That renders us to be un-biased in our views and criticism, making us just one of its kind! I know that you've split hairs wondering who the "we" are. Long story! I have decided to take in an array of mosquitoes into the "smile" team. They used to be an irritating neighbour peeping into your affairs without being invited..but over a period of time, I realized that they were laughing into my ears when I write or say something funny and were not trying to put me off! Since, the recession is almost over and I was looking to expand the shop, I offered them job in the "smile" creative team and they are now on-board.

So with all those brick bats that I get, you need to now get those electrocuting deadly-tennis rackets to keep "smile" in check! Smile isnt stopping until it receives a "Nobel" prize for literature or medicine depending on how the NOBEL committee views our efforts on the empowerment of humanity!

More later!
